Thursday, July 10, 2014

Benefits of Labor Massage and Hiring a Labor Massage Therapist HypnoDoula

On a physiological level, our bodies change so drastically so quickly as we go through the process of bringing a baby into this world, that it is no wonder we are met with a variety of aches and pains, and that our bodies can feel foreign to us. Our ligaments, joints, muscles and skin are all being pulled and stretched and strained, and we experience an imbalance between them all. It is important to help the body transition, and relax, and strengthen what is weak and tired so that we can relieve the pain caused from the imbalance. 

Touch is very powerful. The right touch can be the ultimate healer, more powerful than any drug. It can be the difference between life and death.Truthfully, we cannot live without touch. No drug can substitute it. I see dramatic, real life changes in my client's quality of life every day, and they are healthier inside and out. It only makes sense to use massage during the most physically challenging and changing thing we will ever go through.

Some benefits of pregnancy and labor massage include:

  • Helps control blood pressure
  • Helps relieve nausea, constipation and indigestion
  • Helps reduce swelling and edema and increases circulation
  • Increases flow of nutrients to the placenta
  • Relieves leg pains and cramps
  • Opens chest for deeper breath and supports learning deep breathing
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Directly affects the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress and its consequences for mother and baby
  • Alleviates anxiety and depression
  • Strengthens muscles in preparation for labor and delivery
  • Allows for deeper breathing and a better night’s sleep
  • Maintains body posture and balance
  • Reduce labor time, labor pain, and even technical intervention
  • Counterpressures can almost completely relieve pain from contractions
  • Reaching a state of hypnosis keeps your whole body and mind relaxed and significantly reduces any pain or discomfort
  • Shortens hospital stay
  • Reduces postpartum depression

A laboring woman's back in particular can get extremely sore, and a good rub can make a world of difference. The back pain can be more intense than the contractions - this has been named 'back labor', and occurs in 25% of births. Usually the back pain is caused by baby being in the 'occput posterior position', in which baby's back is pushing against mom's spine. If your back is sore during childbirth, make sure you speak up, don't grin and bear it! It may mean you're experiencing 'back labor' and you need to change position onto your hands and knees to ease pressure on your spine, and receive a good back rub". - (

Massage can also decrease labor time by keeping the body relaxed and therefore allowing the cervix to open without tension. Using the shoulder press and counterpressures creates a grounding feeling and an opposing force that counteracts the pressure from the surges. Also, using light-touch massage to create goosebumps confuses the nervous system and provides temporary relief and releases oxytocin, the body's natural pain reliever. Focusing on the head, neck, back and arms using a sweeping motion with your fingers will create this effect. There are also acupressure points that, when held, can decrease pain. This is only released when a woman feels relaxed and safe, and so therefore having a calm, quiet and relaxing atmosphere are integral to achieving this wonderful natural drug. 

When you hire me as your Professional Massage HypnoDoula, I am on call from 38 weeks on. I will be there during your labor as soon as you feel you need me, regardless of the hour. You can hire me to come for 3, 6 or 24+ hour packages. Any unused hours roll over into postpartum massage hours that you can use as soon as you'd like. Hiring me in addition to or separate from your main doula will only help you have more of the support necessary to keep you relaxed and calm through your labor and delivery. I work hand in hand with doulas, but can also stand alone to support you through massage. 

I am a mother of two boys and one girl, and took Lauralyn’s hypnobirthing class and had a 
wonderful birth utilizing those techniques. I am also a Certified HypnoDoula and have attended many different kinds of births, from home to hospital, natural to epidural and even C - section. I believe in empowering women with the knowledge of all the many options available to the pregnant mother. I believe that touch is vital to healing, and is incredibly powerful in aiding relaxation and alleviating pain and discomfort.